What Is A First Look?
I recently photographed a wedding that included a "first look". I am not typically a wedding photographer, but loved this couple so much there was no way I was going to tell them no. Truth be told, I had no clue what a first look even was because I have done my best in life to miss weddings. I didn't even want one for myself to be honest. The day came though and I was committed to capturing whatever happened for this Jacksonville, FL couple though.
The first look was just that. The bride and groom saw each other BEFORE the wedding and guests arrived. Just them, the photographer, and videographer. There was no family or friends there. It was just a beautiful couple looking only at each other and their future. This is where the fun really began. If a groom is going to cry - it's at this very moment. A bride will never feel more beautiful than in this second on earth.
Years ago the wedding vows were always exactly the same word for word but then some really cool people started writing their own vows. We have all heard, adored, cried, and laughed at them at some point or another. This wedding in Jacksonville, Florida was designed for both. The couple wrote their own vows and read them to each other at the first look only. Later in front of friends and family they recited the vows of tradition. As I write this blog, I can't express enough how beautiful this arrangement was. It was meaningful for one and all. The marrying couple had an extra personal experience of their wedding only they were privy to (well, and me of course) and the guests got to witness their love to an epic level of beauty, folklore, and delight.
I leave you with this question. Are first looks and vows prior to the wedding ceremony really TWO weddings? Because if you are going to get married twice - might as well do it on the same day right?